Psalm 11

This week’s Song To Live By is Psalm 11

Andy writes:

There are times in our lives when everything seems to be screaming at us “it’s time to run away”.  “Let’s escape”.  “It’s time to get out of here”.  Whether the voice of a friend, or an enemy, or probably ourselves we hear the list of all the reasons why - it’s time to give up and go away.

This kind of speech can play on repeat in our heads; leaving us dejected and depressed, down and discourage.

Our enemies seem too strong.  Our foundations seem too weak.  Our strategies seem silly. And our resolves seems to be reversing.  

When we’re at that point, and the speech of surrender is on 832nd loop; it’s time to reach up to our song collection and put Psalm 11 on full blast.  We join in and we belt out,

“The Lord is my refuge”.

I can escape, but it's going to be an escape to Emmanuel.  I can run, but it’s going to be a race into my Redeemer.  I can hide, but He is my hiding place.

Other voices may speak, but the ultimate reality is the Lord.

He is Holy.  He’s not unduly affected by my attitude or circumstances.

He is seated on his throne.  The Kingdom, the power and the glory is His.

He sees all things and is not blind to my plight.

He won’t leave wickedness unpunished, or let injustice stand forever.  No, he loves justice.  He’ll do something about it.  He’s more than capable.  Ultimately, he’s in control.

And if I can live as one upright, if I can stand in this moment, instead of shrink.  If I can lean on him, instead of leave.  If I can resolve to seek him, instead of running away.  I will see his face.  He is my refuge, he will be my reward.

He will welcome me unto Himself; and these momentary afflictions, this present suffering will fade as he makes all things new, and I look full in his wonderful face.

A Prayer

God, I feel like running away right now.  Nothing seems to be going right; I can’t see how things will turn around.  My enemies seem to be winning.  But you Lord reign; yours is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory.  So would you deliver me from the evil one; would you rescue me from my predicament.  I want to be faithful to you; I know you’ll be faithful to l   me.  Thank you, that you make all things new and I will see your face.

Croydon Vineyard