Sarah Hombarume - Trustee

Sarah Hombarume is one of our CV trustees. Here is a bit about her and what her role involves.

“I have been a trustee since 2018. During the week, I work as an IT Manager for an environmental charity based in London that mobilises practical community action on poverty. I want to be a good steward of what God has entrusted me with so I use these experiences to serve the church as a trustee.

An interesting fact about me is that I like all things bright and beautiful and I have a knowledge of useless facts about random things.

In CV I see people intentionally stepping into each other’s lives and doing life together as Christians. I see people meeting toether, helping each other, praying for and encouraging each other to want to follow Christ wholeheartedly. I also see the leaders intentionally taking the responsibility of guiding and equipping the next wave of leaders.

The last 3 years have been extremely challenging for me but I have seen God’s hand on my life; God has shown me that he is still with me in both seasons of celebration and in seasons of brokenness. He’s taught me about patience, shown me his love, provision, compassion, and kindness through his people. I have experienced his peace, comfort and joy during difficult times, and I know he will continue to uphold me with His righteous right hand.

I pray that CV will continue growing. I have been part of that growth and it is amazing to be part of something that keeps on growing. I pray that God’s spirit and power would continue to fill the church, and the church will continue being planted in the community, reaching the marginalised.”


Croydon Vineyard