I’m new
There are people checking out Croydon Vineyard for the first time, all the time! We’d love to make it as easy as possible for you to find your way around.

We have a range of resources to help us be a people formed by the words of Jesus, including our New Testament Journey, Tour of the Torah, and Songs To Live By

Croydon Vineyard happens all through the week! We have regular social events of all shapes and sizes - click on the link below to see what’s coming up. There are so many ways to connect - why not check one out?

We are overflowing with kids in this church. Our desire is to enable every child to think Jesus is amazing, to do the stuff of the Kingdom right now with their friends and to love coming to church.

God has put a specific call on this church to reach young people where they are at, to show them Jesus in ways that make sense to them and to raise them as sons and daughters who achieve their full potential in Jesus.

What we are doing
We want to play our part in unleashing the life of Jesus all over Croydon. Over the years we have run a whole range of projects for our city and we are currently investing a lot of effort in empowering asylum seekers and refugees through our Vineyard English School.

Connect groups
Our Connect Groups are mid-week spaces specifically designed to help all of us develop fun, healing friendships and to forge a faith that works in real life. They meet mid-week in groups of about 3 to 13 either in person, online, or in a hybrid format and are led by lovely people who want to see you do well.

coming kingdom
Emerging from over 10 years of worshipping together, this group hope to lift people’s gaze to the transcendent reality of God and bless the worldwide church with songs of awe, joy, and surrender. Our first EP releases early 2024.

Any money you give to Croydon Vineyard is directly invested in unleashing Jesus' life across our city. By giving to this church, you really can make a huge difference for the Kingdom.